Thursday, July 15, 2010

i make lists

lists are kind of my thing. i get this sort of weird thrill from writing something down to complete and then crossing it off once it's done.

right now i even have a life plan. is it creepy that everything is so planned out? whatevs. i need goals. the general life plan looks something like this...

  • graduate from k-state with the double major & a minor. this will more than likely take 5 years, and i'm actually cool with that.
  • go get my master's in ag leadership, from somewhere that isn't k-state.
  • get a PhD in animal science (Dr. Robin Kleine sounds pretty awesome, right?)
  • get a job at a land grant school in the animal science dept. working with youth livestock programs and a partial teaching appointment
  • meet someone -- fall in love -- get married (whoops, should this be different bullets? oh well, it's my list, i get to make the rules)
  • love my job.
  • have lots of babies & continue to work.
  • run a successful show cattle operation too.
now that doesn't seem to hard does it? crap, it really does.

i do understand that even the best laid plans don't always work out, but these can be altered. this is just what i think i DESERVE. we'll see what God has in mind for me, won't we?


  1. Yes we will. Just continue to work hard and pray those around you support you with whatever decisions you make! See you this weekend! :)

  2. List making must run in the family. Life doesn't always go the way we plan, the detours are what makes it interestin!!! We will support you in all your endeavors - Love you always! XOXO

  3. You're insanely over-ambitious, and most likely won't have EVERYTHING on your list, but uh...good luck, friend.

  4. way to be a good friend and encourage me!

  5. I also feel like you took your list making blog from me. thanks, jerk. :)

  6. We won't fall in love and get married. Cross that off.
